Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Why January is not the month for dieting and extreme detoxing

After weeks of celebrations - work do's full of over indulgent nights of festive meals and copious alcohol - time with friends, utilising the season of goodwill to celebrate what we should all year round, with shopping, shots, suppers and for those who are inclined or profusely drunk, singing galore, and this is all before we get to sit down with family for what includes 3 days of none stop drinking, eating and for most fighting. Then with the week build up to new years we continue the indulgence in part because the country seems to come to a halt with the exception of the same heart-beat increasing activity of exercise; January sale shopping!!!Then comes the ultimate in celebrations, the end of one and the beginning of a new year. A night that is celebrated to the max - though whether this is for a fantastic year just gone, a year best left behind or the beginning of something new, a new beginning, a new start, a once in a year chance to start to follow our dreams and live a happier existence - is purely dependant on the individual. No matter what the reasons, the celebrations are just as extravagant and indulgent.

Though, in the northern hemisphere, the shortest day has been and gone - 21st December, which in 2010, due to the lunar eclipse, was the shortest day in nearly 400 years - spring is far from here. The cold wintry days of northerly winds and icy rain will undoubtedly continue through January and into February. With no "reason" to celebrate, the self induced pressure to change for the new year and the continued darkness in the days it is now that we need to love our bodies more than ever. Tiredness, lack of motivation, extra weight and forms of depression or SAD are all too common. Starving our bodies or putting them through extreme changes in diet is a recipe for disaster. January is a month of re balance and nourishment, both for our bodies, which have gone through weeks of debauchery, and our minds, which with the continued lack of sun light, rolling bills, vast drop in celebrations, increase in VAT, etc, need essential nutrients to cope. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming the cure for depression or financial pressures, I'm just sharing, from personal experience, how food plays an important role in helping us cope through.
February, for all those who wish, with the longer days and warming sunny mornings, is a better and albeit more likely to succeed time to alter your diet.
So for now, let's re balance our bodies and fuel our minds with some good wholesome food recipes for January

On Sunday I roasted a chicken for dinner, stuffed with chunks of onions and whole garlic gloves and plugged with an apple which was accompanied with mango rice - I was a bit over the veg after the Christmas feasting and there was a mango sitting in my fruit bowl staring at me for days, wondering if I was ever going to take any notice of her. Well I did and she married very well with the rice :)

As if by magic, Monday morning I wake with the sniffles!! I had watch over the previous month as everyone close to me fell foul to one bug or another, sympathising with their pain but not daring to empathise for fear of tempting faith! Alas, it had caught me but really at no better time, as the chicken carcase was still fresh and on the verge of chucking to be made into a wholesome heart chicken soup. As much as I love home made chicken soup and swear by it's miraculous powers of well being I was wanting for something different. Without a further thought out came some pine nuts, which I began to roast in my big boiling pot, as they were I quickly chopped up some onions in large chunks and just as the nuts began to golden and their sweet nutty aroma filled the room in went the onions on top, where I allowed them to soften, almost caramelise, a little bit of water added to deglaze the pot and lock in those flavours and them the chicken carcase which was then covered with water and seasoned, lowering the heat I left it to simmer away for a few hours. After a few hours, with the carcase fallen apart I began the rather boring task of "de-carcassing" the broth. So with my delicious chicken soup base which I brought back to a simmer I added what was left of some frozen veg (which I always have in the freezer in case I ever get snowed in) and noddles which I had a the back of my cupboard - even I get surprise at what I find back there sometimes!! 5 minutes later I was serving up the final dish, with it's subtle nutty flavour it  was divine, totally wholesome and ultimately body loving - Perfect January food!!

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